How does time works

13.7 billion years ago the universe was born, and since then time had flown by to the present day , overseeing the creation of galaxies and the expansion of space. But when it comes to comparing time, it’s daunting to realize just how little of time we've actually experienced. The Earth might be 4.7 billion years ago , but we modern humans have inhabited it for no « You would have to relive your life 150,000 times just to match the age of the youngest known star in the universe »
More than 400,000 years, just 0.003% the age of the universe. Feeling small yet ? It gets worse. You've experienced so little time on the Earth that in astronomical terms you’re entirely negligible. You would have the relive your life 150,000 times just to match the age of the youngest known star in the universe.
In the 17th Century Newton saw time as an arrow fired from a bow , travelling in a direct straight line and never deviating from its path. To Newton, on second on Earth was the same length of time as that same second on Mars, or Jupiter, or in deep space. He believed that absolute motion could not be detected, which meant that nothing in the universe had a constant speed, even light. By applying this theory he was able to assume that, if the speed of light could vary, then time must be constant. Time must tick from one second to the next, with no difference between the length of any two seconds. This in something that you probably think to be true . Every day has roughly 24 hours, you don’t have on day with 26 and another with 23. However, in 1905, Einstein asserted that the speed of light doesn't vary, bit rather it was a constant (roughly 299,782,458 meters per second). He postulated that time was more like a river, ebbing and flowing depending on the effects of gravity and space-time. Time would speed up and slow down around cosmological bodies with differing masses and velocities, and therefore one second on Earth was not the same length of time everywhere in the universe. This posed a problem. If the speed of light was really a constant, then there had to be some variable that altered over large distances in the universe expanding and planets and galaxies moving on a galactically humongous scale, something had to give to allow for small fluctuations. And this variable had to be time.
Newton and Einstein did agree on the thing, thought that time moves forward. So far there’s no evidence of anything in the universe that is able to dodge time and move forwards and backwards at will. Everything ultimately moves forward in time, be it at a regular pace or slightly warped if approaching the speed of light. Can we answer why time ticks forwards, though ? Not quite, although there are several theories as to why it does. One of these brings in laws of thermodynamics, specifically the second law. This states that everything in the universe wants to move from low to high entropy, or from uniformity to disorder, beginning with simplicity at the Big Bang and moving to the almost random arrangement of galaxies and their inhabitants in the present day. This is known as the ‘arrow of time’, coined by British astronomer Arthur Eddington in 1927. He suggested that time was not symmetrical, stating : « if as we follow the arrow we find more and more of the random element in the state of the world, then the arrow is pointing towards the future ; if you were to observe a star in almost uniformity, but later saw it explode as a supernova and become a scattered nebula, you would know that time had moved forwards from equality to chaos.
Another theory suggests that the passage of time is due to expansion of the universe. As the universe expands in pulls time with it, as space and time are linked as one, but this would mean that if the universe were to reach at theoretical limit of expansion and begin to contract then time would reverse, a slight paradox for scientists and astronomers. Would time really move backwards, with everything coming back to an era of simplicity and ending with a « Big Crunch » (as opposed to find out, but we can postulate on what we think might happen.
It’s incredible to think of the progress we have made in our understanding of time over the past century. From ancient sundials to modern atomic clocks, we can even track the passing of a second more closely than ever before.
Time remains complex topic, but thanks to scientific visionaries, we are getting closer to unlocking the secrets of this not-so-constant universal constant.
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